UNSTPB - Biblioteca Centrului Universitar Pitești

  • Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences : No. 2
  • Tipul înregistrării: Resurse electronice: monografic
    Redactorul ediţiei: Damian, Gheorghe Ştefan, (ed.)
    Autor colectiv: Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca
    Responsabilitate: North University Center of Baia Mare
    Responsabilitate secundară: Chief ed. prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe Ştefan Damian
    Editura: North University Center of Baia Mare
    Locul publicării: Baia Mare
    Anul Ediției: 2019
    ISSN: 1842-4090
    Note: Ediţie online (http://www.cjees.ro/viewIssue.php?issueId=41)
    Limba: Engleză
    În: Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences / North University Center of Baia Mare . - Baia Mare : North University Center of Baia Mare, 2019
    Subiect: Ştiinţa mediului înconjurător
    Subiect: Ştiinţele pământului. Ştiinţe geologice
    Subiect: Publicaţii periodice electronice
    Cota topografică: 504(05) / C 26
    Numerotare seriale: Volume 14, No. 2
    Note conţinut (cuprins): The assessment of lotic ecosystems degradation using multi-criteria analysis and gis techniques
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Phytoremediation of cadmium in soil and hydroponics by tradescantia fluminensis
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Analysis of in-stream restoration structures impact on hydraulic condition and sedimentation in the flinta river, Poland
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Land use anomalies on wetlands in different time horizons – a case study from Hungary
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Depositional environment during holocene of the red river delta, Northern Vietnam
    Note conţinut (cuprins): The geothermal energy of the Egyptian red sea shelf as inferred from magnetic data
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Influence of domestic activity on the quality of groundwater and surface water in the rural built-up area of the southern Romanian danube plain – a case study in the glavacioc catchment
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Distribution and minor elements contamination in urban and peri-uban soils areaof Slănic Moldova, Romania
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Distribution of heavy metals in granulometric fractions and on soil profiles
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Application of remote sensing and gis to water transparency estimation in reservoirs
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Malacological evidence of the natural and anthropogenic changes of the environment in the eastern part of the carpathian foreland: the studies in the glinne stream valley near rzeszów (Southern Poland)
    Note conţinut (cuprins): First analysis results of in situ measurements for algae monitoring in lake naplás (Hungary)
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Standardized precipitation index (spi) and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (spei) drought characteristic and trend analysis using the second generation canadian earth system model (canesm2) outputs under representative concentration pathway (rcp) 8.5
    Note conţinut (cuprins): The treatment of soil polluted with heavy metals using the sinapis alba l. And organo zeolitic amendment
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Overview of tropospheric no2 using the ozone monitoring observations instrument and human perception about air quality for the most polluting countries accross the world
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Using fractal fragmentation and compaction index in analysis of the deforestation process in bucegi mountains group, Romania
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Flash flood prediction in small to medium-sized watersheds. Case study: bistra river (Apuseni Mountains, Romania)
    Note conţinut (cuprins): The la-icp-msu-pb ages and lu-hf isotope of detrital zircons from the bayankalaankala group in dari area: implication for the provenance
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Determination of surface flow and soil loss with wepp hillslope model in northern Turkey
    Note conţinut (cuprins): The small-scale tectonic landforms of gyirong watershed in the middle Himalayan orogen, Tibet, China
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Investigating the role of green infrastructure in sustainable urban water management, a case study in Szeged
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Development of climate hazards decision support system: a study of cameron Highlands, Malaysia
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Assessment of the impact of depopulation on soil erosion: case study – Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Some sedimentological evidence of the historical metallurgy activity – a case study from Southern Poland
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Waste of the straja valley tailings pond (suceava county, romania). Geochemical properties and environmental risks related to wind-driven removal
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Pine needles as bioindicator of pollution by trace elements from cement-limestone industry in centraleastern Poland
    Resurse On-Line: http://www.cjees.ro/viewIssue.php?issueId=41
    Data și ora ultimei accesări: 20191022
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