UNSTPB - Biblioteca Centrului Universitar Pitești

  • Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology : No. 2
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: serial
    Selectator/Antologator/Redactor: Vasile, Cristian
    Autor colectiv: Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti
    Responsabilitate: Petroleum - Gas University of Ploieşti
    Responsabilitate secundară: Ed.-in-chief Cristian Vasile
    Editura: Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti Publishing House
    Locul publicării: Ploieşti
    Anul Ediției: 2017
    Tipografie: [s.n.]
    ISSN: 2247-6377
    Note: Înlocuieşte publicaţia "Buletinul Universităţii Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti. Seria ştiinţele educaţiei"=ISSN 1841-6586
    Note: Are şi ediţie online (http://jesp.upg-ploiesti.ro/)
    Limba: Engleză
    În: Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology / Petroleum - Gas University of Ploieşti . - Ploieşti : Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti Publishing House, 2017
    Subiect: Lucrări ştiinţifice universitare
    Subiect: Psihologie
    Subiect: Ştiinţele educaţiei
    Cota topografică: 37(05) / J 78
    Clasificare: 159.9(05)
    Clasificare: 378.4(498)(05)
    Numerotare seriale: Vol. VII (LXIX), No. 2
    Note conţinut (cuprins): 1. Augmented Technologies in the education: AR apps; 2. Comparative study on primary and preschool pedagogy and technical university students’ attitude towards Mathematics; 3. Examining the relationship between pre-service teachers' perceptions on individual differences and attitudes towards individuals with special needs; 4. A comparative study on the level of the social distance of the students of psychology and physical education in relation to their attitudes towards people with disabilities (An example from Albania); 5. General belongingness and basic psychological needs as predictors of self-esteem in adolescents; 6. The use of the internet - professional development or internet addiction in medical students; 7. A structural modeling analysis of the relationship between personality traits and achievement motivation: the meditational role of thinking style type 1; 8. Psychological well-being state and satisfaction of basic psychological needs as indicators of goal achievement – frantic role of neuroticism
    Resurse On-Line: http://jesp.upg-ploiesti.ro/
    Data și ora ultimei accesări: 20180627
Număr Copie: c.1
Nume localizare: Sală periodice corp I
Numere deţinute: Vol. VII (LXIX), No. 2
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