UNSTPB - Biblioteca Centrului Universitar Pitești

Linux (Sistem de operare)

Subiect Tematic: Linux (Sistem de operare)
Lucrări: 6 lucrari in 6 publicatii in 2 limbi
Linux : Servere de reţea de: Hunt, Craig (Text tipărit)
Embedded Linux Primer : A Practical, Real-World Approach de: Hallinan, Christopher (Text tipărit)
The Definitive Guide to Linux Network Programming de: Davis, Keir; Turner, John W.; Yocom, Nathan (Text tipărit)
Red Hat Linux 8 de: Negus, Christopher (Text tipărit)
Linux Firewalls de: Suehring, Steve; Ziegler, Robert (Text tipărit)
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