UNSTPB - Biblioteca Centrului Universitar Pitești

  • Buletin Ştiinţific. Seria Autovehicule Rutiere = Scientific Bulletin. Automotive Series : Ingineria Autovehiculelor : Automotive engineering : No. 28
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: serial
    Autor: Bădescu, Neculae (1942-)
    Selectator/Antologator/Redactor: Tabacu, Ion, prof.univ.dr.ing. (1949-)
    Autor colectiv: Universitatea din Piteşti
    Responsabilitate: Universitatea din Piteşti. Departamentul Autovehicule şi Transporturi
    University of Piteşti. Faculty of Mechanics and Technology
    Responsabilitate secundară: Editor in chief prof. univ. dr. Viorel Nicolae
    Titlu Paralel: Scientific Bulletin. Automotive Series
    Editura: Editura Universităţii din Piteşti
    Locul publicării: Piteşti
    Anul Ediției: 2018
    Tipografie: Editura Universităţii din Piteşti
    ISSN: 1453-1100
    Note: Între 1997-[2009] a apărut în limba română
    Limba: Engleză
    Titlu paralel: Scientific Bulletin - University of Piteşti. Automotive Series
    Subiect: Autovehicule
    Subiect: Construcţia automobilelor
    Subiect: Lucrări ştiinţifice universitare
    Subiect: Motoare termice
    Subiect: Vehicule cu motor, maşini. Automobile. Industria automobilelor în general
    Subiect: Vehicule cu destinaţie specială
    Cota topografică: 62(05) / B 91
    Clasificare: 629.021(05)
    Clasificare: 629.33(05)
    Clasificare: 629.36(05)
    Numerotare seriale: Year XXIV, No. 28
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Analyses and statistics on the frequency and the incidence of traffic accidents within Dolj County - p. 5
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Contributions in developing advanced engineering methods for researching the N.V.H. aspects in Porsche Cayman operation conditions at Technical University from Cluj-Napoca - p. 13
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Considerations on adapting the new WLTC test cycle for a conventional powertrain to a computerized simulation using AVL Cruise software - p. 20
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Studies and research regarding optimal cargo load of a transport van using carmaker software - p. 28
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Brake disc modal behaviour - p. 34
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Analysis of Kanban, Conwip, Base on stock methods influences on the production system performance - p. 41
    Note conţinut (cuprins): The influence of the suspension upon the axle weight distribution for heavy trucks - p. 50
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Systems for collecting and acquiring the dynamic parameters of special vehicles for displacement in special conditions - p. 57
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Carbon Dioxide Control Technologies for Diesel Engines - p. 67
    Note conţinut (cuprins): A study upon medium displacement Diesel Engine Failure - p. 74
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Emissions characteristic of diesel engine fueled by biodiesel at partial load - p. 81
    Note conţinut (cuprins): The simulation of the dynamic behaviour for an elastic mechanical transmission of passenger car - p. 87
    Note conţinut (cuprins): The influence of the technological deviations over the vibration inherent frequencies at bending from three-shafts transmission - p. 92
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Algorithm and numerical calculation of undetermined static reactions to the plan articulated quadrilateral mechanism with straight bars - p. 99
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Development of public passenger transport - the role and place of public passenger transport in metropolitan areas - p. 105
    Resurse On-Line: http://automotive.upit.ro/
Număr Copie: c.1
Nume localizare: Sală periodice corp I
Numere deţinute: Year XXIV, No. 28
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