UNSTPB - Biblioteca Centrului Universitar Pitești


Subiect Tematic: Mecatronică
Lucrări: 127 lucrari in 127 publicatii in 2 limbi
Journal of Applied Mechanics : 2015/No. 3 de: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASM (New York) (Text tipărit)
Journal of Applied Mechanics : 2015/No. 4 de: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASM (New York) (Text tipărit)
Journal of Applied Mechanics : 2015/No. 11 de: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASM (New York) (Text tipărit)
Journal of Applied Mechanics : 2015/No. 1 de: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASM (New York) (Text tipărit)
Journal of Applied Mechanics : 2015/No. 8 de: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASM (New York) (Text tipărit)
Journal of Applied Mechanics : 2015/No. 12 de: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASM (New York) (Text tipărit)
Annals of the University of Craiova. Seria Automation, Computers, Electronic and Mechatronics : 2005-2012 de: Universitatea din Craiova . Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare şi Electronică (Text tipărit)
Journal of Applied Mechanics : 2015/No. 2 de: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASM (New York) (Text tipărit)
Journal of Applied Mechanics : 2015/No. 10 de: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASM (New York) (Text tipărit)
Journal of Applied Mechanics : 2015 de: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASM (New York) (Text tipărit)
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